It identifies areas for advancements and proposes a conceptual framework that is tested in several case studies designed using that framework. Modeling Newton's laws using limited case analysis, Modeling projectile motion using parametric equations and Enabling covariational reasoning in Einstein formula for the photoelectric effect represent some of these case studies.
A wealth of conclusions that accompany these case studies, drawn from the realities of classroom teaching, is to help physics teachers and researchers adopt these ideas in practice. Laws,Edward F. Redish,Patrick J. Assuming no prior knowledge, this established textbook provides a complete course in physics for beginners and includes coverage on seven core areas of physics, including mechanics, materials, waves and electricity.
Readers will develop a solid understanding of topics such as fields, electromagnetism, electronics, atomic and nuclear physics and thermodynamics, and are encouraged to engage with the text through exercises and revision questions.
Illustrations are used extensively to complement theoretical explanations and help readers understand the fundamentals of physics. This book is aimed at students on access or foundation programmes in physics, but is also ideal for non-specialist students on degree courses such as biological sciences, chemical sciences, engineering, mathematics and geology, for whom physics is a subsidiary subject.
It is also suitable for trainee science teachers and medical students who need to develop a solid background in physics. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.
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We pride ourselves on not only creating a pathway to an extensive reservoir of books of the finest quality, but also providing value to every one of our readers. Understanding physics , Allen and Unwin. Understanding physics: 3 volumes in 1 , Bracken books. Understanding physics : 3 volumes in 1 : Isaac Asimov Publisher unknown. Community Reviews 0 Feedback? To Read from marinru. Loading Related Books. April 10, Edited by Lisa. March 16, March 15,