Pursuant to section 48 g and h of the Internal Revenue Code of. Historic Preservation Certification Application. All certification applications must be on the forms provided here. Applications on previous versions of the forms are not accepted. The National Park Service no longer accepts the fee pre-payment by credit card form. All review fees are paid through www. Preserving our nation's historic buildings. Beginning March 1, , all certification applications received in State Historic Preservation Offices must use these forms header of each form dated "Rev.
Previous versions of the forms will not be accepted. All fees for review of applications are paid through Pay. To download and save, right click on the link and choose "Save Link As Part 3—Request for Certification of Completed Work.
Federal historic rehabilitation tax credits are available for any qualified project that the Secretary of the Interior designates as a certified rehabilitation of a certified historic structure. Federal income and estate tax deductions for charitable contributions of partial interests in a historic property designated a certified historic property are also available.
To qualify for any of these tax incentives , property owners must complete the appropriate part or parts of the Historic Preservation Certification Application. National Park Service NPS approval of applications and amendments to applications is conveyed only in writing by duly authorized officials of the Federal Government. The NPS certification decision is made on the basis of the descriptions in the application form.