Home About. Date substr raw. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Bookmark the permalink. December 12, at pm. March 3, at pm. May 21, at pm. Sam says:. August 23, at am. Ian, thanks for great examples how to download SEC filings. September 4, at pm. Zhu says:. October 31, at am. April 11, at pm. November 1, at pm. Michael McInerney says:. June 2, at am. I get the same error and have been looking for ways to correct it.
Does anyone have an answer? June 5, at am. Gow, Ian says:. June 5, at pm. Can you connect to your database using psql or pgAdmin3? June 9, at pm. June 11, at pm. Elizabeth S says:. Each feed and oldloads directory and all child subdirectories contain three files to assist in automated crawling of these directories:.
The index paths link to the raw text version of the complete disseminated filing content, for example:. All the documents submitted for a given filing will be in this directory:. Accession number: In the example above, is the accession number, a unique identifier assigned automatically to an accepted submission by EDGAR.
The first set of numbers is the CIK of the entity submitting the filing. This could be the company or a third-party filer agent. The next two numbers 15 represent the year.
The last series of numbers represent a sequential count of submitted filings from that CIK. The count is usually, but not always, reset to zero at the start of each calendar year. Each CIK directory and all child subdirectories contain three files to assist in automated crawling of these directories. These are not visible through directory browsing.
These files are not indexed. View statistics for this project via Libraries. Tags sec, edgar, filing, financial, finance, sec. Install and update this package using pip :. You can learn more about the different SEC filing types here. Below is an exhaustive list of all filings types that can be downloaded by this package:. If you encounter a bug or would like to see a new company filing or feature added to sec-edgar-downloader , please file an issue or submit a pull request. For full documentation, please visit sec-edgar-downloader.
Jul 15, Jun 22, May 20, May 9, Apr 6, Feb 18, Jan 23, Jan 18,