Windows 10 downloads freeze

If this section does not appear, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support to obtain the hotfix. Note If additional issues occur or if any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request.

The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specific hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Customer Service and Support telephone numbers or to create a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft website:. If you do not see your language, it is because a hotfix is not available for that language. This hotfix is available for installation in the Updates and Servicing node of the Configuration Manager console for version If the service connection point is in offline mode, and this issue occurs after the update is imported, you will need to re-import the update so that it is listed in the Configuration Manager console.

Because this hotfix does include an updated version of the Configuration Manager client, it contains all of the same client-related changes from the Update Rollup. The Installation Notes from KB also apply to this update. The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes or later file attributes that are listed in the following table. In reply to A. User's post on August 8, Hi , Last night before I went to sleep I did another installation of windows Below is the screen that I have been stuck on since beginning to try the upgrade If you have another solution other than that please I'd appreciate it.

Why do you guys keep referencing that completely useless post? I can download the complete ISO file in 12 seconds! Why does it take 3 days to download the update and still not complete? No, installing from a DVD doesn't work either from Windows 7. If you run from within Win7 it crashes, if you run it from boot it tells you that you MUST run it from Win7 and not from boot. Real useful. Wake me when MS gets things figured out and can actually get things working correctly.

Robert Hammerslag. In reply to Kevin87UR's post on August 11, Why is MS referring us to somebody else's post instead of fixing the Windows 10 installation problems. So much appreicate this sharing! The problem has really confused me for such a long time. Many thanks for that simple fix, it worked instantaneously, it has puzzled me on and off for a number of months, working, not working!

This has not worked for me. Thank you. Quick Summary show. Itechtics Staff Itechtics staff is a team of technology experts led by Usman Khurshid. We verify everything we write so that our users can be sure to trust us in everything we write.

You can reach out to us for further help and support. I have no proof of this, and I'm tired of trying out stuff now. Guess I'll have to invest into some new hardware at some point. Before investing in any new hardware I suggest to run a few diagnosis tools. The most likely defective hardware that could cause this, would be a faulty harddrive. Use seatools Link [www. It takes a long time, let it run over night or so. Another thing you can do is check your ram for errors.

Check this article [technet. This can also take a very long time. In my optinion it's unlikely that your mainboard, cpu or gpu is faulty. In the meantime you can use another pc or laptop to download doom and copy the files in your steam library, so you can at least download and play your games.

Ask away if you have questions or need any more help. Seven7 View Profile View Posts. I already did a whole lot of diagnosis - Seatools, Memtest etc, everything to no avail. I even downloaded it the the pc of my girlfriend we have our pcs in the same room and are connected to the same router , and there the download worked perfectly and it runs nicely.

I also tried copying all of the doom files of her pc to my pc - but doom ALWAYS fails to start up, stating something with "files corrupted". I tried recopying files, but also to no avail. I also tried to fix this the Steam-way, i. It ran through, downloading at least a dozen GB of data and magically running through without crashing


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