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Sign in. Password recovery. Recover your password. Forgot your password? Get help. Please enter your comment! About wealth? How much does God expect you to give to others? How does wealth affect your friendships, marriage, and children? To many, wealth is seen as the natural result of hard work and wise money management.

To others, wealth is viewed as the ultimate, inexcusable sin. Is this what God had in mind? Your children can join Junior in these six fun-filled adventures! Transform their futures with these colorful and entertaining books by teaching them how to handle money now. From working and saving to giving and spending, these wonderful stories will teach your kids real-life lessons, and the stories are so much fun that your children won't even know they're learning!

Recommended for kids ages Her books, radio and television shows, columns, and newsletter about personal finance have helped millions of people like you turn their financial lives around. The author of three consecutive runaway New York Times bestsellers, Suze is renowned for her unique brand of financial savvy, tell-it-like-it-is honesty, and dynamic motivational style, which propels her readers and audiences to change the course of their financial destiny.

In this groundbreaking book, she continues to transform your relationship with money. In a natural evolution of Suze's authoritative view of the world of money, and characterized by her straight talk, warmth, and humor, The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life reveals a revolutionary new paradigm of personal finance.

The 5 Laws of Money are vital principles that you need to know whether you are old or young, male or female, with or without money, a novice or a veteran investor. These five laws operate without exception -- at all times, in every culture -- and apply to everyone, as Suze shows in the compassionate stories adapted from real-life situations that she recounts throughout the book.

And the universal truths and lessons contained within each law help you learn how to keep what you have and create what you deserve. Anyone can -- and must -- put these laws to use today in order to survive and thrive in these times of constant upheaval and financial turmoil.

The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life provides an eminently sensible, highly effective process for gaining control over your life and your money. Through pointed questions about your attitudes toward money, with insightful financial exercises and personal guidance, Suze deciphers the false hopes and fears that keep you from making smart, confident decisions and choices about your money.

Her take-charge optimism and realistic action plans will jolt you out of any financial confusion or paralysis, whether you're beginning your career or at a midpoint, planning for or already in retirement.

You will learn to assess your current spending, savings, and investments, and acquire a sure sense of what you can do with the money you have and the money you want to have. A thorough guidebook is included that helps you put the laws into immediate action and see their lessons manifest in your own life. The Total Money Makeover Workbook. A simple, straight-forward game plan for completely making over your money habits!

Best-selling author and radio host Dave Ramsey is your personal coach in this informative and interactive companion to the highly successful New York Times bestseller The Total Money Makeover. With inspiring real-life stories and thought-provoking questionnaires, this workbook.

New York Times best seller! More than five million copies sold! What is your time worth? Described as America's favorite finance coach, what Dave Ramsey teaches works just as well in any currency! In The Total Money Makeover, he reveals, in plain, no-nonsense language, just how many of us can get rid of those soul-destroying debts and still end up with a nice fat retirement or "rainy day" fund.

If you want to get yourself on a sound financial footing and who doesn't? It really is that simple! Dave Ramsey would never have acquired the following he has, all across the US of A if his advice wasn't sound. Get-rich-quick schemes are ten a penny, not only in America but all over the world. Invariably they are crazy and will never work in the real world, many are downright scams. Well folks: This is not one of them! No Sir, this book is the real McCoy. Just sound, down to earth guidance from a man who knows money and the financial world inside out.

Forget the crazies and the crooks and follow the guy with the knowledge. He's not promising you a fantasy lifestyle. He's not promising you'll be the next Trump, Branson or Jobs. What he is saying is that if you follow the plans and apply the lessons you'll learn from this book, you will wind up debt-free, comfortably well-off and with more than enough for you to enjoy your eventual retirement and still leave a nice legacy for the kids. This is one book that really is worth buying.

It's just a few pounds to join the enlightened. Those who, have read the book and are right now following Dave Ramsey's advice are getting their finances sorted. It won't happen overnight, but happen it will! Written by Elite SummariesPlease note: This is a detailed summary and analysis of the book and not the original book. A strategy for changing attitudes about personal finances covers such topics as getting out of debt, the dangers of cash advances and keeping spending within income limits.

This summary of The Total Money Makeover will help you: Understand the main ideas of the book within 15 minutes.

Avoid getting lost in the details of a page book. This streamlined summary will break down the fundamentals of creating financial peace.


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